Snowmass Rodeo Policy and Rules 2025



Contestant Sign-up: 970-923-9270 (see additional information below). Checks for entry fees are to be made out to SWHA.


1. PRCA event rules shall govern this rodeo, unless specifically addressed as a Snowmass Rodeo Rule and listed under these Rules and Policy.

2. Alcohol and drugs are strictly prohibited on the rodeo grounds, including the parking lots and "contestant only" areas by our license. Alcohol will be provided by the licensed concessions on the grounds only. No coolers containing alcohol!

3. Argumentative behavior, fighting, or foul language will not be tolerated. No act or action that can be perceived as animal abuse will be tolerated. Harassing stock contractors, rodeo personnel, judges, timers, secretaries, spectators, or any contestant will not be tolerated. If this rule is violated, the contestant, volunteer, or guest will be escorted off the grounds by security personnel without refund of any fees or admission.

4. Contestants, excluding Mutton Bustin' and Calf Scramble, may bring up to three immediate family and/or friends into contestant area at no charge. If they do not arrive with the contestant in the contestant vehicle, they must park their vehicle in the spectator lot on the other side of the arena near the Rec Center and walk around, back to the contestant lot, but not through the ticket booth entry. If guests are not with contestant, contestant please give their names to the security person at the contestant entry gate. Professional western attire, (brimmed hats or helmets, buttoned or snapped long sleeved shirts, and heeled boots) must be worn by all contestants. Their guests, for the free admission, must wear proper WESTERN attire. All contestants and their guests must be in western attire by the start of slack.

5. All contestants shall be ready to perform when called. Contestant will be disqualified after the 3rd call. Entry fees will not be returned in the event of any disqualification.

6. Entries are taken by phone (970-923-9270) on Tuesday between 6:00 and 8:00 PM for the Wednesday Night Rodeo. Additionally, pre-entries can be made for subsequent rodeos by signup sheet available from the Rodeo Secretary at the end of each rodeo. The rodeo secretary will be responsible for establishing the order of performance. All entry fees must be paid in full prior to the start of the rodeo or the contestant(s) will be withdrawn from competition. It is the responsibility of each contestant to notify the rodeo secretary if unable to compete in any performance that he/she has pre-entered. Notice must be given prior to 5:00 PM the day of the performance. Failure to do so will result in the contestant losing the pre-sign-up privilege. It is the responsibility of each contestant to know when they are scheduled to perform.

7. All contestants must complete a "waiver of liability" and information form and provide mailing address and social security number prior to participation in any event. Prize money will not be awarded until contestant has provided all information. Contestants under the age of 18 must bring a parent to sign for permission and waiver of liability or notarized parental permission waiver in the event their legal guardian is unavailable at the time of entry.

8. All contestants are invited and strongly encouraged to ride in the Grand Entry. A discounted meal ticket provided by Snowmass Rodeo will be given to contestants at the rodeo office. 

9. Any ruling that is made by the arena judge may be questioned only by the affected contestant notifying that judge at the conclusion of that event and prior to the start of the next event. Any conflict must be settled prior to the start of the next event. Once judges sheets are turned into secretary, all rulings are final.

10. All suggestions, concerns, safety issues and complaints must be submitted in writing, typed or printed, signed and given to the Rodeo Secretary. All correspondence submitted will be reviewed by the Rodeo Committee and a reply will be provided in a timely manner. Please be as specific as possible and include contact information.

11. Owners of livestock must be able to show proof of current health and vaccination status to be permitted on the rodeo grounds. Each stock contractor and each contestant must sign a statement agreeing to provide this information at the request of the arena director. Additionally, all contractor and contestants' animals must meet the Snowmass Village health requirements.

12. A list, ranking all competitors by points, is available from the Rodeo Secretary in the rodeo office. The point system will be awarded the money won each week. The Series average Champion will be determined by the most money won for each event who has competed in a minimum of 8 out of the 10 rodeos. It is the responsibility of each competitor to bring any discrepancy to the attention of the Rodeo Secretary to be resolved within one week of the posting, after which time all results are final.

13. Judges are not allowed to compete in any event.

14. The Rodeo performance will start at 7PM sharp! Slack performance will start no later than 6PM.

15. No contestants are allowed to talk to the timer, i.e., changing line-up and/or asking for their time. They should consult the judge and the judge will determine the outcome and make the call to the crow's nest.



2 Head Format Effective 6/08/2016: The team roping will now be a 2 header. The top 6 times in both the #8 and the #11 roping's will come back in the performance for their 2nd steer. 

Crossfire Rule Effective 7/4/13: The direction of the steer's entire body must be changed and in forward motion before the heel loop can be thrown.  If the steer stops, it must be only moving forward for the heel loop to be legal. Any heel loop thrown before the completion of the switch will be considered a crossfire and no time will be recorded in the judge's opinion.

1. PRCA rules shall govern, unless specifically listed here as a Snowmass Rodeo Rule.

2. Two separate ropings will be held at each rodeo. The first is a #8 roping. The second roping will be a #11 roping. Six teams from each numbered roping will compete simultaneously in the performance that will be called the team roping.

3. Stock will not be drawn. Chute order will be used for all rodeos.

4. Teams are requested to remain along the back fence so as not to interfere with the competing team or block the crowd's view of the boxes.

5. Time will be called when the heel rope is tight. CPRA tie-on rules shall apply. The header is not required to face, but must maintain control of the steer.

6. Any steer that is jerked down or falls down shall be immediately released and the flagger shall immediately declare a no time. The arena judge may award another steer if circumstances indicate the team had an unfair disadvantage. Any excessive mishandling of livestock will be considered a no time at the discretion of the judges and could result in disqualification.

7. Slack roping will start at 6:00 PM and may start earlier if the number of teams entered requires an earlier start time.

8. Entry fees will be $70 per team payable in whole or in part by either team member. Entries will close 30 minutes prior to the start of the slack or team members will be DQ'd. The Rodeo Secretary shall determine the order of competition.  

9. A minimum of $300 will be added to the #11 roping and a minimum of $300 will be added to the #8 roping. All jackpot funds shall be divided proportionate to the number of entries in each division. The stock charge will be $20.00 per runPayout will be done on an average of two head.  Three monies will be paid for up to 35 teams. Four monies paid for 36 to 45 teams, and five monies paid on all entries over 45 teams. USTRC payoff percentages will be used.

10. An electric eye will be used as the Heading barrier and a Heeling barrier will also be used. A back up timer will be used. In the event of electric eye failure, a backup string barrier will be used for the duration of the event all previously recorded times will stand. A ten second penalty will be applied for a broken barrier and a five second penalty will apply for only one leg. Any illegal head catch will be immediately disqualified.

11. Both header and heeler are required to assist in getting their stock out of the arena. The team must then immediately leave the arena by the designated exit or return to the southwest end of the arena.

12. Teams that will come back for the short go will come back slowest to fastest.  If there is a team back to back it will be up to the secretary to change the order.  Ties for 6th place will be brought back up to 10 teams. 

13. All ropers are requested to show their current USTRC card at any time to the secretary.  At the start of the season you are required to report any card changes to the secretary.  If a roper does not have a card or a current card, a team roping committee put together by peers will determine that roper's number.

14. Slack will end at 6:55pm before the rodeo starts at 7:00pm. Team ropers that are turned out will be refunded their entry fees. 



1. WPRA rules shall govern this event unless specifically addressed as a Snowmass Rodeo Rule.

2. Entry fee is $40.

3. Each contestant may enter only once and no horse may run more than once per rodeo. The first ten (10) contestants pre-entered and paid will ride in the performance. All other entries will ride in slack. Maximum entries are 20 contestants. Slack will start before the team roping slack. All contestants will be drawn for their order of run.

4. Added money of $300.00 per rodeo and 85% of entry fees will be jackpotted. Three places paid with 10 entries or less (50/30/20). Four places will be paid for contests with 11-20 entries (40/30/20/10).

5. An electric eye will be used for each event. Backup hand time will be maintained. Time will be started once the contestant crosses the start line for any reason.

6. Racers may circle one time only before running.



1. A maximum of 10 entries per rodeo will be accepted. The entry fee will be $40. There will be $300 in added money. Stock charge is $10 per run and the balance will be paid out to first, second, and third place with a 50/30/20 split.

2. All ropers must dally. No tied off ropes will be allowed. If the calf is intentionally jerked down, the team is immediately disqualified and the rope shall be released immediately. Any perception of animal abuse will not be tolerated. The arena judge will have full discretion in this circumstance and may consider this action as cruel with full application of the rules pertaining to animal abuse applied.

3. The calf will be released immediately after the runner has removed the ribbon. The roper will assist in removing the animal from the arena.

4. No one may rope or run more than once per rodeo for this event and only one loop is allowed. A team must consist of one male and one female contestant. Any child, 13 and under, may also enter with either of the above.

5. The designated runner may wear running shoes of his/her choice however all other western attire as stated under general policy shall be complied with.

6. An electric eye barrier will be used. If the barrier is broken, a ten second penalty will be imposed on that team. Time will start by the electric eye and stop when the runner crosses the front of the roping box, as signaled by the Arena Flagger. The runner must have part of the ribbon in hand when time is called. If the flag falls off the calf through no fault of the runner, the runner must only touch the tail of the calf prior to crossing the finish line.

7. Calf has to break the barrier to start time or the team will be disqualified.



1. All contestants must pre-enter for these events. There will be no on-site entry without prior approval of the stock contractor. Entry fees are $50 for all events. $500 will be added to each event.

2. Rough stock entries will be limited as follows: seven (7) bareback, seven (7) saddle bronc, and twelve (12) bull riders. First paid signups are guaranteed a position.

3. Draw takes place before the rodeo.

4. A re-ride will be drawn at the same time as the regular draw.

5. Each event will pay three places (50/30/20 split) with added money.

6. If there are no qualified rides in an event, all entry fees will be paid back to those contestants, less the stock charge. SWHA will retain the added money.



1. "Mutton Bustin" is limited to ten (10) contestants. All competitors will be entered into a draw, and the first 9 competitors to be drawn will compete in that performance. One spot is available by silent action at the sign up desk. If no one bids then that spot will be drawn as well. Three alternates will also be drawn in the event that a competitor turns out their stock.

2. Competitors must enter the draw between 5:30 and 7:00 PM, prior to the start of the rodeo. Draw results will be announced just after the Grand Entry. All contestants must have a parent/legal guardian present at that time in order to sign a waiver. Entries are only taken on the day of the rodeo. (No pre-entry available.)

3. The contestants must be between the ages of 4 and 7 and must weigh no more than 50 pounds. Safety headgear and vests will be provided and must be worn by each contestant.

4. There is no entry fee for this event. There will be no added money for this event.

5. "Mutton Bustin" is a timed event, judging the first eight seconds of the ride. The judge will score each ride on its merits. First, second and third places receive a trophy. All other contestants receive a small prize.

6. First place winners cannot compete the week following their win, but may compete in subsequent rodeos, with the same rule applying should they win again.



1. The calf scramble is open to any child between the ages of 4 and 10. Sign-up begins at 5:30 PM and closes just prior to the start of the rodeo at 7:00 PM. There is no limit to the number of entries. A parent or guardian must sign a liability release prior to the start of the contest in order for a contestant to be eligible for this event. Sign up is only the day of the rodeo. No pre-entry available.

2. Contestants will receive a wristband at sign-up. Only those wearing a wristband will be allowed in the arena for the event.

3. The contest will be started by an Arena Official once all contestants have entered the arena. Calves are released into the arena, some with ribbons on their tails. When the Arena Official shoots the start gun, contestants try to remove any part of the ribbon that has been attached to the tail of a calf and return this to the Arena Official. Once all the ribbons have been removed form the calves' tails, the contest is over.

4. First, second and third place receive a medal. All other contestants receive a small prize for their participation.




1. WPRA rules shall govern this event unless specifically addressed as a Snowmass Rodeo Rule.

2. $40 entry fee. MAXIMUM of 10 entries per rodeo. One calf per contestant. There will be $300 in added money. Stock charges $10 per run and the balance will be paid out to first, second and third with a 50/30/20 split.

3. Each contestant may enter only once. The first ten (10) contestants pre-entered and paid will ride in the performance. All other entries will rope in slack. Slack will start before the team roping slack. All contestants will be drawn for their order of run.

4. An electric eye will be used for each event. Backup hand time will be maintained. Time will be started once the contestant crosses the start line for any reason.

Breakaway Roping Rules:

1. AUTOMATIC BARRIER AND SCORE LENGTH. Automatic barriers must be used at all rodeos for breakaway roping. Length of the score will be the length of the box minus three (3) feet.

2. Time starts when barrier flag is pulled by the calf.

3. RIGHT-HAND BOX. Breakaway ropers must leave from the right-hand box.

4. NUMBER OF LOOPS. A contestant is allowed one (1) loop in any of the go-rounds.

5. ROPE MUST BREAK AWAY FROM HORN. The animal must break the rope away from the horn. The contestant will receive a no time should she break rope from the saddle horn herself. The rope must be tied to the saddle horn with a string provided by the contractor.

6. UNIFORM ANIMALS. Uniform animals will be used in the breakaway roping.

7. The roper must throw the rope in a loop around the calf’s neck. The catch must be a bell collar, meaning the loop should not include any legs, the body, or the tail of the calf.

8. When the string breaks, the flag is dropped, and the time is stopped.